Research shows that 60-80% of all difficulties in organizations stem from strained relationships between employees, not from deficits in individual employee’s skill or motivation.
Daniel Dana, Managing Differences: How to Build Better Relationships at Work and Home (2005, 4th ed.); Barbara J. Kreisman, Insights into Employee Motivation, Commitment and Retention (2002)
The typical manager spends 25-40% of his or her time dealing with workplace conflicts. That’s one to two days of every workweek.
Washington Business Journal, May 2005
• Two-thirds of both men and women say work has a significant impact on their stress level, and one in four has called in sick or taken a "mental health day" as a result of work stress. (American Psychological Association, 2004)
• One-fourth of employees view their jobs as the number one stressor in their lives. (Northwestern National Life)
• Workplace stress causes approximately one million U.S. employees to miss work each day. (American Institute of Stress)
• Problems at work are more strongly associated with health complaints than are any other life stressor. (St. Paul Co.)
• Workers who must take time off work because of stress, anxiety, or a work conflict will be off the job for about 21 days. (US Bureau of Labor Statistics)
• Indirect costs of poor employee health, such as absenteeism, disability, and lost performance at work, are two to three times higher than the direct medical costs. (Partnership for Prevention)
• Productivity losses related to personal and family health problems cost U.S. employers $1,685 per employee per year or $225.8 billion annually. (Stewart et al., 2003)
• In a 1990 survey, 78% of respondents indicated that they believe some, most or all employers engage in discrimination in hiring or promotion, and 51% stated that all or most employers engage in discriminatory practices. (Workplace Conflict: Facts and Figures, Mediate.com)
• 90% of harassment is never officially reported. (Workplace Conflict: Facts and Figures, Mediate.com)
• 62% of American workers said that their workload has increased over the past six months and that they had not used all of their allotted vacation time in the past year. (Kronos Inc., 2004)
• 70% of employees say you have to work late and work overtime to get ahead. 62% of employers agree. (Randstad, 2004)
• More than 80 percent of employees feel that companies are expecting too much work from too few people. (Randstad, 2004)
• The average workweek has increased since the 1970s while leisure time has decreased by 37%. (Louis Harris Poll, 1999)
• American employees used about 8.8 million sick days in 2001 due to untreated or mistreated depression. (National Committee for Quality Assurance, 2002)
• Indirect costs of untreated mental health disorders results in a $79 billion annual loss to businesses due to loss of productivity and absenteeism.
(U.S. Surgeon General's Report on Mental Health, 1999)
• According to the National Institutes of Mental Health, depression costs an estimated $23 billion in lost workdays every year.
• Ernst & Young reports that the cost of losing and replacing an employee may be as high as 150% of the departing employee’s annual salary. ( Workforce.com)